
The first thing, I think that this course (ENG-380) is a very difficult. Because, I haven’t experience to design Blog. Which I decide to study between ENG-380 and ENG-480. But, I chose to study this course. In first class, I feel serious. Because, I haven’t confidence to design a Blog. Which my friends that have feel seem me. But, our teacher gives courage for me and my friends to design a Blog.

After then, these courses have many activities such as role play, present campaign on WU campus and play game. I think that I feel enjoyable and funny of many activities.

For my Blog, I say that “Thank you to Aj Gob” because, Aj Gob give an opportunity for me to design a Blog. Which I never create and design a Blog. Now, I ‘m designer of this Blog. And I feel happy and enjoyable for this course.

Finally, the entire best thing I receive. I say that “Thank you to Aj Gob” which it is important for me. And I think that this course is the best thing for me and my friends.