Which I thought each group presented to this case. It was clearly. But, my group was worried. Because we didn’t prepared ourselves and that content. After my group presented that was finished. I felt that happy because everything was good. And I though

that is my friend and my teacher could understand us in this presentation. ^3^ …. I love it…….
On Thursday 10, my teacher suggested us about blog that was many detailed. Such as the escape of using bad word in your journal or blog, the point of each section (content 12%, language 10% and design 8%) and the information of product (company background, target, position, promotion and product strategy of your product). I thought that she explained a very clearly of each section. I felt that She made us understood it that a very easy. I wasn’t worried about detail of product because my minor was IBM (International Business Management) and I understood about 4P’S (Product, Promotion, Price, Place) of a product.I felt that enjoyable and happy to made blog. And it was a good thing for me. ^o^ ….. I like it.....